Tiffany and Alex first met in middle school, but they didn't become friends until high school. In high school, they enjoyed spending time at the end of the hall with friends playing cards and computer games. For their physics class, they got to spend a day at Great America, where they shared their enjoyment of roller coasters.
They went off to separate colleges, and lost touch. Tiffany went off to MIT to study computer science. Alex went off to Carnegie Mellon to study engineering. After college, they both moved back to the Bay Area. They saw a couple movies together there before Tiffany moved down to Los Angeles for work.
They went on a trip with a mutual friend to New Zealand, where they truly reconnected. Afterward, Tiffany referred Alex to a job on her team, which he got, getting her a referral bonus.
Over time they grew closer and had a weekly TV night; they got together to watch shows, including Brooklyn 99, Galavant, the Good Place, which are some of their favorites.
They also went to Six Flags to spend days on the roller coasters there. After spending more time together and growing closer, they started dating and went on a trip to Tahoe, where they nearly got stuck in the snow.
Tiffany shared her love for conventions and cosplay. They enjoy going to theme parks in Los Angeles, in particular Disneyland and Universal Studios. They both enjoy the music events that come through Los Angeles. This past year they saw Green Day, Sabrina Carpenter, and are going to see Stray Kids in May.
They also have shared a love for travel, and beyond New Zealand, they've gone to Taiwan, Korea, France, and England together, alongside many cities across the US, with many more trips to come!